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Reject Separator Tailing Pulp Treatment Machine

The reject separator is an ideal equipment for tailings treatment in waste paper pulping systems. It is suitable for the treatment of tailings from fiber separators, pressure screens and other equipment.


Reject Separator Working Process

1. After the pulp enters the pulp inlet, the high-speed rotor performs a comprehensive function of beating, scraping, tearing, and peeling the tailings. The tailings are first thrown to the vortex chamber, and then dropped to the screening area to complete the fiber and The separation process of impurities,
2. Spray water from the nozzle above the rotor to dilute and wash the tailings, and flush the rotor and screen plate.
3. The separated good fibers pass through the sieve holes and are discharged from the pulp outlet below the sieve plate. The stripped plastic sheets and other impurities are washed and discharged from the slag discharge hopper.


Reject separator plays an important role in the pulping process. If you want to know more detailed information and prices about pulping machine, you can send us an email for consultation. Our email address:


FACTORY ADD:Hetun Industrial Area,Dawei Town,Xinmi City,Henan Province ,China


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