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Reject Separator For OCC Processing System

The reject separator is mainly used for tailing screening in OCC treatment system. When the spiral arranged rotor blade is rotating at high speed, under the action of the spray device and the baffle, the panning effect is strong, the impurities after treatment do not contain fiber, and the water content is low.


Advantages Of Reject Separator

1. The treated crude slag has less fiber content and basically does not contain water, which reduces the treatment cost of post-sequence waste slag.
2. The specially designed rotor has low friction, ensures the integrity of slag discharge, and realizes the efficient separation of waste slag and pulp.
3. Openable top cover makes maintenance more simple and convenient.


The reject separator is a pulping equipment with high utilization rate at present. If you want to know more about the paper machine details, please feel free to email inquiries. Our E-mail address is


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Tel:+86 371 55129198

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